Math 589: Teaching and Presentation of Mathematics (32552)

INSTRUCTOR: Professor Brooke Shipley, SEO 312 or 508,

CLASS MEETINGS: Tuesdays 3:30pm - 4:45pm, in Taft 208


OFFICE HOURS: Friday at 12pm or by appointment (right before or after class is also a good time for quick questions)

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The goal of this two credit hour course is to aid MSCS teaching assistants in developing teaching skills and methods. The course also addresses problems that may arise in the classroom and offers insights and mentoring for a successful graduate career.

GRADING POLICY: Attendance 20%, Participation 40%, Assignments and Presentations 40%. You are expected to attend all of the class meetings and actively participate; permission for a non-emergency class absence must be requested in advance.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Each student is allowed one absence and two late arrivals for personal reasons. After that each absence results in losing 5% of your total grade and each late arrival results in losing 2% of your total grade.

DISABILITY ACCOMODATIONS: Students with disabilities who require accommodations for full access and participation in UIC Programs must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please contact DRC at (312) 413-2183 (voice) or (312) 413- 0123 (TDD).

COURSE BOOK: "Teaching Mathematics in Colleges and Universities: Case Studies for Today's Classroom," by Solomon Friedberg et al. available at the AMS Bookstore among other places.

Teaching Skills and Methods: Active learning, group work, listening to students, pacing your presentation, giving and receiving constructive criticism
Course Mechanics: Using TeX to write a quiz or worksheet, evaluation and grading, dealing with cheating, course evaluations, meeting with supervisors
Graduate Career: Preparing a CV, web page, teaching portfolio, and seminar talk; applying for fellowships, master's exam, choosing an advisor, professional society memberships, employment opportunities, thesis research, balancing roles as student and TA

OTHER COURSE ACTIVITES: Teaching presentations by each class member, discussions of classroom case studies from Teaching Mathematics in Colleges and Universities: Case Studies for Today's Classroom, by Solomon Friedberg et al.

TA RESOURCES: MSCS Graduate Studies and MSCS Graduate Studies and TA Handbook

August 16:
Assigned reading before you teach (to be handed out in class): Surviving the First Day
Extra (optional) reading for preparing for your first day of class from Vanderbilt and Rutgers.

August 27:
1. Teaching Presentations (email me to volunteer.)
2. Reading to be handed out and discussed in class:
Eight Hot Tips for Lively Lectures; by Barbara Wood, Professor, Communications, UIC

September 3:
0. Read all of the course web site.
1. Read the hand out (link above) on tips for lectures, be ready to discuss this in class.
2. Read "Case 7: Pairing Up" for next week.
3. As discussed in class, create a 5 to 10 minute video of yourself teaching. Then view the video and write down 10 comments or constructive criticisms (a mix of things you did well and things you see that need improvement.) Turn in the 10 comments in class by September 10 (the video may be discarded.)
Video equipment is available for check out, but may require a reservation. Do also make sure to learn how to use the equipment and do a quick trial run first. Daley Library, 1-460 (north/west first floor, Monday - Thursday 1pm -5pm) and Grant Hall 306 (for more information see also: list of equipment.)

September 10:
1. Ten reactions to your video due.
2. Bring your book to class and be ready to discuss "Case 7: Pairing Up."

September 17:
1. Consider applying for the NSF Graduate Reserach Fellowship; see NSF GRFP.
2. Download TeX and begin to write your CV in TeX. Also write a quiz for your class (about 3 problems, possibly using TeX.) You should hand in your CV and quiz (on paper) by October 8. I recommend finishing at least one by October 1 though. One place to begin is at the Tex Resources section (near the bottom) of Professor Hurder's web site for Math 589 for 2011. Many examples of TeX files which can be modified to create a quiz are available here. Many examples of TeX files which can be modified to write your CV are available here.
3. Read "Case 2: Emily's test" for next week. Also read "Case 1: Changing sections." We won't discuss this section, but it is good to be aware of the issues it raises.

September 24:
1. Bring your book to class and be ready to discuss "Case 2: Emily's test."
2. Please review the section on Classroom cheating in the MSCS TA Handbook.

October 1:
1. For the TeX assignment: On your quiz make sure to leave a space for students to put their names. Also make sure to have your name on your assignment. (Putting your name on the quizzes for your students may help them learn your name.)
2. We'll have another TAC (TA coordinator) visit.
3. We'll discuss topics about academic careers, job applications, talks, and conferences.
4. Read "Case 4: Making the grade (College Algebra Version)" for next week and grade the sample papers.

October 8:
1. Two assignments due: CV (using TeX) and quiz. (See September 17 for full assignment.)
2. Bring your book and your grades for the case to class and be ready for a class discussion on grading. "Case 4: Making the grade (College Albgebra Version)."

October 15:
1. Discussion of teaching portfolios and academic careers. One place to learn about teaching portfolios is at the Teaching Portfolios section of Professor Hurder's web site for Math 589 for 2011.
2. You might want to look at the 2011 TA Evaluation Form so you know what the professor will be looking for when they visit your section later this semester.
3. Extra credit: Due November 25: Send me a link for your professional website. Consider attending the AWM Workshop 10/15 at 5pm for help creating a website.
4. Revisions of CV and / or quiz are due October 29.

October 22:
1. Discussion of letters of recommendation, master's exam, prelim exams, thesis research. Bring your questions.
2. Follow up conversation about teaching evaluation. An example (from Tufts) of a short questionaire to obtain feedback about student's learning: Minute Paper. An example (from Oxford) of questions you might consider for self-evaluation of your teaching or in a student evaluation that you conduct.

October 29:
1. Revisions of CV and /or quiz are due.
2. Discussion of choosing an advisor and thesis research. Bring your questions.
3. Assignment due November 12: Self-evaluation of teaching. Think about what you have done as a teacher to address at least three questions from this list. Write a few sentences of explanation for each question.

November 12:
1. Due date for self-evaluation of teaching (see 10/29 assignment).
2. Discussion of professional societies and mathematical careers; see many links below in the "Additional Material" section.

November 25:
1. Due date for extra credit for website (see 10/15 assignment).

Let me know if you have other suggestions to add to this section.
Material which encourages more active learning:
GoodQuestions is a pedagogical strategy that aims to raise the visibility of the key concepts and to promote a more active learning environment.

Introduction to Abstract Mathematics through Inquiry is a textbook (by Brian Katz and Michael Starbird) using inquiry-based strategies. The "reader" is guided to fill in the proofs.

Michael Starbird also has another text Number Theory Through Inquiry (written with David Marshall and Edward Odell.)

Fostering Algebraic Thinking by Mark Driscoll is a guide for teachers for grades 6 to 10, but it would be a valuable read for those TAs who want to understand student's preparation (or lack there of) and to use strategies to improve student's algebraic thinking. For example, Chapter 1 is focused on "What kinds of open questions can foster algebraic thinking, and when is it best to use them?" (I just bought this book, if you would like to borrow it at some point please ask.)

The American Mathematical Society has many resources for current graduate students and for recent Ph.D.s here, here (with UIC people pictured), and here. See also career information from the American Statistical Association, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and Mathematical Association of America.

Non-academic careers: Versatile PhD is a site with information to help graduate students prepare for non-academic careers. UIC is a member, so you can access the premium content.
A New York Times article Rehab for Doctoral Defectors

A pretty good description of math reserach:
Mathematics: What do grad students in math do all day? or if that link doesn't work, try here.
And a comical, but useful, illustrated guide to a Ph.D. as a part of human knowldge.