MCS 471 Numerical Analysis --- Spring 1996

Syllabus And Class HomePage

Time Table: MCS 471 --- 1PM --- M W F --- 220 TH --- CN = 60117 --- Hanson

Lecturer: F. B. Hanson, 718 SEO, X3-2142 (X6-3041msg)
Course Coordinator: F. B. Hanson, 718 SEO, X3-2142 (X6-3041msg)

Catalog description: Introduction to numerical analysis; floating point arithmetic, computational linear algebra, iterative solution to nonlinear equations, iterpolation, numerical integration, numerical solution of ODEs, computer subroutine packages (including Maple and Matlab/Octave).

Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MCS 360 Structured Programming II or EECS 270 Introduction to Programming languages or MCS190 Introduction to Scientific Computing or EECS 170 Fortran Programming for Engineers or MCS 260 Introduction to Computer Science I or EECS 171 Introduction to Programming.

Semester Credit hours: 3U4G

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List of Topics by Lectures: (click here)

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Prior Semester MCS471 Courses: (click here)

Class Assignments: (click here)

Class Notes: (click here)

Supplementary References: (click here)

Help for Numeric and Symbolic Computational Tools: (click here)

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