program laplace code: LaPlace solver sample program code: From "getting Started in CM Fortran", revised for C90 CF77 code: Solution of LaPlace's equation on unit square. code: BC: f(x,1)=1, f(0,y)=f(x,0)=f(1,y)=2, 0<{x,y}<1. code: Initial interior starting iterate: f(x,y) = 0. parameter(maxx=32,maxy=maxx) real f(maxx,maxy),df(maxx,maxy),df2(maxx,maxy),dfmax(maxy) real rms_error,max_error logical cmask(maxx,maxy) integer iteration intrinsic sum,maxval,cshift comment: Initialize the mask for the interior points cmask = .false. cmask(2:maxx-1,2:maxy-1) = .true. comment: Initialize f f = 2. f(:,maxy) = 1. where (cmask) f = 0. max_error = 1 iteration = 0 comment: Iterate until max_error < 1.e-3 stopping criterion. do while ( iteration = iteration + 1 comment: Compute df, the change at each iteration, and udate. df = 0. where (cmask) df = 0.25*(cshift(f,1,1) + cshift(f,-1,1) & + cshift(f,1,2) + cshift(f,-1,2)) - f Caution: CM has cshift args in opposite order: (f,dim,shift), not (f,s,d) C df = 0.25*(cshift(f,1,1) + cshift(f,1,-1) C & + cshift(f,2,1) + cshift(f,2,-1)) - f f = f + df endwhere comment: Compute RMS and Maximum errors. df2= df*df rms_error = sqrt(sum(df2)/((maxx-2)*(maxy-2))) max_error = maxval(df) comment: Output errors every 20th iteration if(mod(iteration,20).eq.0) then write(6,*) 'every 20th: ',iteration,rms_error,max_error endif enddo comment: Output final iteration count and errors (stopping criteria). write(6,*) 'final: ',iteration,rms_error,max_error stop end