Pilot File Display System Browser on Icarus

If you are used to using the Pine Mail Program, instead of icarus Unix you might prefer to use the Pine-Like simple file display and execute browser system called by typing on icarus the command:

which is fairly self explanatory using the `Arrow Keys' to move around the file display and using commands like

The browser displays a file list at the top of the screen with a the bottom few lines indicating the available commands just listed above.

On ACCC "icarus.uic.edu", for example to Edit a file {it is suggested that you use a copy of a file to practice on first), type:

  1. pilot

  2. {Use "Arrow Keys" to move to desired file}

  3. e   {to call for Edit command of pilot for desired file; if you want to practice on a copy of the file first, then press `c' instead, and overtype another name like temp.html avoid destroying a good file}

  4. {Use the "Ctrl-Keys" below to move and edit your file; just type to insert and use the "BackSpace (<-) Key" to delete, etc.}

  5. Ctrl-o   {to save current file, just pressing Enter to do it, or overtype the current name to rename it followed by Enter}

  6. Ctrl-x   {to eXit Edit}

  7. q   {to Quit pilot}

Edit:  The Edit command within Pilot (really Pico simple Pine-like editor) uses EMACS like ctrl commands like `^Key' which means the `Ctrl-Key' pressing together (or at least `Ctrl' held then LOWER CASE `Key' pressed:

Web Source: http://www.math.uic.edu/~hanson/las100/PilotHelp.html

Email Comments or Questions to hanson@uic.edu