MCS 571 PPDE Handouts/Demonstrations (Hanson)

Caveat Usor: The user is responsible of the validity of these demonstation codes, since they are not guaranteed.

Euler's Explicit Method (EEM) Demos:

  1. MATLAB Code for m = 4 x-divisions, BC of 1st Kind

  2. MATLAB Code for m = 12 x-divisions BC of 1st Kind (Finer Mesh)

  3. MATLAB Output Figures, BC of 1st Kind:

  4. MATLAB Code for BC of 2nd Kind (Derivatives) by Artificial Nodes

  5. MATLAB Code for BC of 2nd Kind (Derivatives) by 2nd Order FFD/BFD

  6. MATLAB Output Figures, BC of 2nd Kind (Derivative BC):

Finite Element Method (FEM) Example for PPDE and EPDE:

  1. PPDE/EPDE FEM Simple Example (pseudocode).

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    Email Comments or Questions to Professor Hanson, hanson A T uic edu