MCS 572 MPI Information
General MPI Links

  1. MPI Message Passing Basics, PSC Training Notes.

  2. Getting Started With MPI: A Message Passing Interface for Parallel Programming: An Introduction to MPI at SDSC/NPACI.

  3. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard: The Argonne National Laboratory MPI Home Page.

  4. MissState MESSAGE PASSING INTERFACE: The Mississipi State University MPI Home Page.

  5. SDSC/NPACI Consultant Notice of MPT Change, and advice for new handling of MPI_Sends and MPI_Recvs.

  6. Using Message Passing Toolkit (MPT), Short University of Texas at Austin Tutorial (nice reference source).

  7. SGI Message Passing Toolkit (MPT) Overview, Silicon Graphics version.

  8. MPI Web Man Pages (Nice 1 Page Descriptions of Each MPI C Function; For MPI Fortran Subroutines, Only Need to Add ReturnCode).

  9. MCS572 Introductory T3E MPI Examples. (Being Revised for Conversion from Old T3D to New T3E Model.)

  10. MCS572 MPI_Reduce Help Page (Lists MPI_Reduce Functions and MPI DataTypes).

  11. MPI Reference Card (Big Card: 13 Compact Pages, Instead of Usual 2).

  12. MPI Laplace Code Development, PSC Training Notes Story behind the Laplace Equation Domain Decomposition Program, but program is very crude and has errors, otherwise is a good tutorial.

  13. MPI (Toolkit) Examples for T3E, from PSC.

  14. Review of Performance Analysis Tools for MPI Parallel Programs, by Shirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, and Kevin London.

  15. Maui MHPCC Documentation for MPI, F90, IBM SP2 and many other things.

  16. William Gropp, Ewing Lusk and Anthony Skjellum, "Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with Message-Passing Interface", MIT Press, 2nd Edition, 1999. (Click for MIT Press Information on Book)

  17. Marc Snir, Steve W. Otto, Steven Huss-Lederman, David W. Walker, and Jack Dongarra, "MPI: The Complete Reference", MIT Press, September 1998. (Click for MIT Press Information on Volume 1) OR (Click for MIT Press Information on Volume 2)

  18. Peter S. Pacheco, "Parallel Programming with MPI", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1997. (Jack Dongarra highly recommends this book.) (Click to Book and Other Information including C and Fortran MPI Code).

  19. ZhiWei Xu and Kai Hwang, "Modeling Communication Overhead: MPI and MPL Performance on the IBM SP2," IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 9-23, Spring 1996.

  20. MPI Course Student Notes: HTML Version? from Edinburgh EPIC Message Passing Interface Course. See also, Postscript Version?

  21. PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation for MPI, version 2.0. (Very Powerful Toolkit)

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