M502 Metamathematics Bibliography

  1. Ebbinghaus, Flum and Thomas Mathematical Logic Springer Verlag
  2. Enderton A Mathematical Introduction to Logic Academic Press
  3. Shoenfield Mathematical Logic Addison Wesley
  4. Kreisel and KrivineMathematical Logic ???? (explicit quantifier elimination arguments)
  5. Poizat Cours de Theorie de Modeles Nur Al-Mantiq Wal-Ma'rifah (back and forths- very broad coverage)
  6. Sacks Saturated Model Theory Benjamin (abstract quantifier elimination)
  7. Rogers Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computabilty McGraw Hill
  8. Chang and Keisler Model Theory North Holland
  9. Ebbinghaus and Flum Finite Model Theory Springer Verlag