Integrating a Function with Maple int

1. To Integrate the Function exp(-x*x)   on   [0,1] :

2. To Integrate the Function exp(-x*x)   on    [0,infinity]:

3. Integration Using a Maple User Defined Function:

4. Integration Using a Maple User Defined Piecewise Function:

5. To Find the Indefinite Integral of the Function exp(-x*x):

6. Example of Answer for Integral Without Exact Answer in Maple: exp(-x*x)i*ln(x):

7. Examples Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rules from Maple's Student Calculus Package:

Maple Worksheet in Plain Text (Click Here)


Maple Worksheet in standard "*.ms" format (Click Here)

Suggestion: It is a good idea to plot the functions that are integrated!

For Examples of Multiple Integrals Visit the Page: Maple Help for Multiple Integration.

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