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Final Exam:
The math118 final is on Tuesday 8-10am in B101 the same room as lectures.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: 5 hours. Elementary topics from algebra applied to descriptive statistics of data, scatter plots, correlation, linear regression, probability, random samples, sampling distributions, experimental designs. Graphing calculator used. No credit given if the student has credit in MATH 150 or 160 or 165 or 180, or the equivalent. No credit given if the student has credit in MATH 121 with a grade of C or better. No graduation credit for architecture, business administration, or engineering students. The only mathematics department course for which MATH 118 serves as a prerequisite is MATH 123. It may serve as a preprequisite for statistics courses in the social sciences. It does not replace MATH 090 as a prerequisite for any other mathematics department course. Prerequisite(s): MATH 070, or MATH 075, or appropriate performance on the UIC mathematics placement test.

TEXTBOOK: Finite Mathematics For the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences. Edition 11 by Soo T. Tan, Cengage Learning.
A slightly cheaper customized version of the textbook is available in the campus bookstore. The software Advanced Web Assign is required for the course. It comes packaged with the textbook if you buy it in the campus bookstore. You cannot register for the online WebAssign until your are given a Class Key. WebAssign Class Keys are given below.

WEBASSIGN: Here is the information needed to register.

Course Name: Math118
Here is the class key
uic 1663 3696
note: uic is part of the classid

Here is a link to the web page that has instructions on how to register for your your Webassign course using the class key given above for your lecture section.


If you are impatient then you can go straight to
but it is highly recommended that you first read the instructions on how to register.

CHAPTERS FROM TEXT -details to be added soon.:
  • Chapter 1: Straight Lines and Linear Functions
    The first lecture will start here. Please skim through the chapter before coming to class. It will be easier to understand the lecture if you do this.
    Week 1: Sections 1.1 and 1.2
    Skip: section 1.3
    Next: section 1.4
    Skip: section 1.5
  • Power Rules: Lecture Notes
  • Exponential Functions: Lecture Notes
  • Appendix C: Review of Logarithms
  • Appendix A: Introduction to Logic
    sections A1, A2, A3 and A4
  • Chapter 6: Sets and Counting
  • Chapter 7: Probability
  • Chapter 8: Probability Distributions and Statistics
  • Some additional topics may be added if there is time.
EXAM DATES: See Quizzes,Exams Link

DISABILITIES: Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access and participation in this course must be registered with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Please contact ODS at (312) 413-2103.

  • Calculators: A TI-83 or TI-83 Plus, TI-84 or TI-84 Plus is required, no exceptions. These models have the statistics functions necessary for the course. You may need a calculator on exams. You cannot use calculators in cell-phones, PDAs or laptops. Sharing of calculators is prohibited.

  • Some computer software may be used. However, you do not need to buy any software. It will be made available.

  • A grade of incomplete (I) will only be considered for students who are passing the course in all midterms, but cannot take the final due to health or family reasons.

  • Cell Phones / Laptops: You may not use your phone during lecture or discussion/problem solving sessions for any reason. We ask that you stay focused on the material while attending class. If this becomes a problem, your instructor or teaching assistant will ask you to leave the room. The same holds for laptops unless you are using it to take notes or follow posted lecture notes used in the lecture or discussion.

  • Class Etiquette: Some notes on class etiquette will be posted here. "No talking in class will be at the top of list"

  • Please note that mistakes in your grades on quizzes, and/or exams may occur. You must notify your TA of the mistake during the session that you get your paper back. Write a complaint on the paper and give it back to your TA. You cannot take the paper back home and come back asking for regarding.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students are expected to be thoroughly familiar with the University's policy on academic integrity. See page 64 of the 2009-2011 Undergraduate Catalog. The University has instituted serious penalties for academic dishonesty. We have encouraged you to work with your classmates on homework. Regarding homework, quizzes, hour exams, and the final examination: Copying work to be submitted for grade, or allowing your work to be submitted for grade to be copied, is considered academic dishonesty.