Photo of Christof Sparber

Christof Sparber

Office: SEO 539
Phone: 312-996-2443
Home Page:
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Office Hours: Mo, 2-4pm; or by appointment

Teaching Schedule:

MATH 210 MWF 9:00AM-9:50AM 320 SH
MATH 577 MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM 202 LH


Christof Sparber is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Illinois Chicago. He holds a Master's degree in Theoretical Physics and a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Vienna. Prior to UIC, he served in various post doctoral positions at the University of Münster, the Wolfgang Pauli Institute Vienna, and the University of Cambridge. His work has been recognized by the Austrian Mathematical Society, the Royal Society, and the National Science Foundation.

Research Interests:

Mathematical Physics, Quantum Dynamics, Partial Differential Equations, Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Multi-scale Problems.
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